To the sale went newest Samsung 1 TB drive. This is a new SpinPoint F3 codenamed HD103SJ dedicated for desktop computers. The disk has a SATA 3.0 Gb / s. It works at 7200 rev. / Min aided by a 32-megabytes buffer of cache. Once formatted, the user gets to 931.5 GB of available space for data.
Through the results obtained in testing the new F3 presented himself really well. In the application, HD Tach 3.0 average data transfer during reading, reached 117 MB / s This is the best result among the magnetic disks. The average record of 103.8 MB / s was on less spectacular level, although belonging to the leading edge. The access time is not so good: 16.9 ms is worse than in the 1 TB drives competition, in which access time is up to 12 ms.
The application DiskBenchXP average data transfers were at 111.3 and 110.7 MB / s with an average access time of 14.3. In the PC HDD Mark05 Score, which is helpful in comparing speeds of individual drives, checking the system startup, application loading, virus scanner, Samsung received 8663 points. It's a good result, but competing models for this capacity, perform better.
The temperature of the drive which reached after a 30-minute "warm up" is acceptable, the metal cover of drive achieves up to 51 ° C. The new F3 is quiet. It generates a maximum noise during a read of just 33.6 dB (1.7 sone). This is the quietest of the tested one-terabyte drives. HD103SJ drive is also energy efficient. On average, requires only 5.4 W, which in relation to other drives of this capacity is a result of the best.
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